An introduction in Dutch pension scheme & administration

Need a Dutch pension scheme & administration for your company in the Netherlands? We give professional pension advice to employers and their employees. If you’re new to the Dutch pension system, we can give you a quick overview below that explains the basic principles. For professional advice of the Dutch pension scheme & administration, we recommend to contact us with your questions.

Pensionmanagement specialist

We have the knowledge and experience needed to advise organisations and provide them with a policy framework for resolving these issues. The wealth of knowledge built up during the sector’s long history means it has the expertise to deal with wide-ranging forms of pensions, whether they are a defined benefit or defined contribution scheme or a hybrid form for its administration. And whether they are part of a sector pension fund or an organisation’s occupational fund or directly insured by an insurance company.

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Choose the right form of flat rate pension scheme & administration

  • Fixed premium, scale available premium, average pay or final pay scheme. In other words, Defined Benefit or Defined Contribution or a combination.
  • Check if there is already a basic scheme in the form of, for example, a voluntary corporate Dutch pension fund scheme & administration.
  • The financing and choice of the components are the details discussed in every pension scheme.
  • Scale choice in a collective flat rate pension scheme of the old-age pension;
  • Financing surviving dependants’ pension and orphan pension;
  • Indexing of pensions;
  • Premium exemption in case of disability;
  • Pros and cons of the various pension systems.
  • Choice of insurer and product.
  • The providers are plentiful. Choose wisely. Look at the following elements:
    • Comparison of conditions;
    • Flexibility;
    • Administrative process;
    • Insurer’s solvency;
    • Profitability of pension accumulation;
    • Service and support duty of care;
    • Choice of one-year or level term risk premium;
    • Discount rate for the accumulation and pension payout phase;
    • Build-up of costs and returns in a Collective flat rate pension insurance;
    • Exit clauses and the entry and exit risk.

Contact us today

Employee benefits pension solutions

We have a wide-ranging experience of the various solutions to create a Pension benefits Netherlands scheme that can be deployed to answer questions such as:

• How can organisations use their pension scheme to differentiate themselves from their labour market competitors?
• How can we minimize the risks and costs of their scheme?
• How can we offer participants attractive pensions in return for acceptable contributions?
• How can regulations and Dutch pension scheme & administration be made comprehensible and operate transparently?

Acceptable cost and level of risk

Good pension advice for a Dutch pension administration & benefits scheme enables organisations to provide pension schemes meeting the needs of current and future employees, while also helping them to achieve their organisational objectives. Good pensions mean employees can count on a financially secure retirement, while employers can attract and retain the right people at an acceptable cost and level of risk.

In the new pension scheme & administration system, the surviving dependants’ pension for the employee is insured on a risk basis. This means that surviving dependants’ may be insufficiently insured if the insured is no longer employed and also not yet retired at the time of death. To mitigate that risk, a number of additional obligations have been included in the law:

A run-off period of three months; after termination of employment, the coverage of the partner pension continues for three months. This allows the employee to find a new job during that time, and the risks are then covered again by the new employer. This run-off period is a maximum of three months and expires if the new employment starts earlier.

A run-off period during the unemployment benefit period (WW) for the coverage of the partner pension if the employee enters WW directly after employment.

Possibility for the employee to continue the partner pension themselves. This can be the case, for example, if he or she takes a sabbatical or continues as a self-employed person. That coverage then comes at the expense of the accumulated pension capital.

Anw Pension scheme and administration

Because the surviving dependants’ pension will soon be a percentage of the salary, it is clear what the amount of the pension will be. This immediately makes the pension calculation much less complicated. It can also only be insured on a risk basis. An additional Anw pension (temporary partner pension until the partner’s AOW date) remains possible in the new system and can still be part of the total Dutch pension scheme & administration.

Disability insurances

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Pension management is often accompanied by specific other employment conditions such as absenteeism insurances of disability insurances. In addition, synchronization will be of great importance in order not to cause conflicts from these employment conditions towards employees. We allow the conditions to connect seamlessly from pension management to these additional employment conditions. Naturally, a connection is sought with the information as laid down in the employment contract and the personnel guide / commitment.

(Sickness) absenteeism in pension administration & scheme

Sickness absence has an important influence on pension management activities in several respects. To what extent will the premium have to be paid? (UWV info) How is care leave handled and what happens if the absenteeism changes from sick leave to incapacity for work? Are there any consequences for the progress of pension accrual? At what time will the pension insurer be informed and which administrative route must be followed? Here, too, a connection is sought with the information as recorded in the employment contract and the personnel guide / commitment.