The solution for the Dutch pension regulation

Every Dutch pension plan is a customised product and needs regulation. The opportunities for structuring pension plans are extremely wide-ranging. Choices need to be properly substantiated as these plans cover periods of several decades, and neither participants nor sponsors want to face unpleasant surprises. We will be pleased to help you complete your pension jigsaw.

The second pillar of pension provisions is important for businesses in that it is part of the compensation and benefits packages they offer and so a way for them to attract and retain staff. This means employers need to consult their employees or employee representatives to identify the pension plan most accurately matching the characteristics and wishes of their current and future employees, the employer’s own needs and resources, the standards and agreements applying in the sector and also the prevailing legislation and regulations.

There are many ‘buttons’ to select in this respect (see box). In other words, pension plans can be customised to suit individual situations. The choices to be made include opportunities to select employee contribution and pension levels, employer contributions, opportunities to cover various risks and the freedom to choose when to start receiving or paying out pensions.

Information Employee Benefits Netherlands

Employee liability and managerial liability are risks that can significantly affect the business profits in the Netherlands. There are few experts in the Netherlands who can advise in terms of the working conditions for the employees, pension, and business risks. Therefore, when choosing an Dutch adviser, take the advisor who is qualified and in possession of all the obligations that the supervisor requires.

Gerrit-Jan Doorneweerd is an independent insurance broker that meets all the requirements. The pension advice, Employee Benefits Netherlands and Business insurances are therefore in good hands with me and my company.

Options Dutch pension plan

Pension plans in Dutch pension plan offers members a range of options. It is important to make sure that you are properly informed on options such as:

  1. Opting for a higher pension (the benefit they will receive upon retirement) in exchange for a lower partner’s pension (the pension your partner will receive after your death) and
  2. a higher partner’s pension
  3. Retiring earlier or later.
  4. Opting for variable pension benefits.
  5. Part-time pension.

A (Dutch) online calculation page

Higher Dutch pension regulation

In most pension schemes, an employee build up entitlement to the pension as well as well as to that of the partner. This is intended to ensure a subsistence level of income for a surviving partner, but subject to certain conditions, they can exchange some or all of their partner’s pension for a higher pension. This exchange does, however, require the partner’s consent. In that case you can trade in the partner’s pension for a higher Dutch retirement plan starting at the age of 67/68, for instance, or for early retirement without reduction of the benefit.

Higher partner’s pension

If an employee have a partner, it is possible to use part of the pension pension for a partner’s pension or additional partner’s pension, It is subject to tax limits. This means that the family will still be provided for even after your retirement date on the Dutch retirement plan. Rest assured, they do not need to decide until they actually retire.

Retiring earlier or later

They can choose to retire earlier or later. Bear in mind that if they wish to postpone the payment of this pension, they will need to continue working up until the chosen pension date.

If you want the pension of your employee to start before the pension date, it is advisable to discuss this in advance. Remember that they will not receive a state old-age pension until you are 67/68.
If an employee works longer before claiming the pension, they will receive a higher Dutch pension plan.

Opting for variable Dutch pension benefits

The pension scheme may allow an employee to vary the amount of the pension within certain limits. This is a useful option if, for example, they expect that they will need more income immediately after pension than when they are older. This is often referred to in pension regulations as the high/low construction.

Part-time pension

It is sometimes also possible to work part-time before pension. The pension starts immediately. He of she will then work part-time and receive pension payments to supplement the income. Check the pension regulations in a Dutch pension plan to verify whether this option is provided for in the pension scheme.

Video about Dutch pensions regulation

If you think I might be able to help you of your business
Gerrit-Jan Doorneweerd, registered Pension Advisor,
Amsterdam, +31 (0)20 6200825
Mobile, 0651 471 9 – six – five. (Also in the evening and weekend.)
Please give me a call or send me your information below

Information and Calculations

English contact form General (Third party) Liability application form Directors and Officers Indemnity Premium Hiscox CyberClear Insurance - premium IT Information Technology Liability - Premium Management Consultancy Liability = premium Pension defined contribution - calculation Audio - Dutch Business risks and insurances Complete list - Dutch Business Insurances