The new WTP pension Transition law came into effect on July 1, 2023. By January 1, 2028, all pension schemes must have been converted to a scheme that complies with the Future Pensions Act.

Transition to flat-rate (with an existing DC pension scheme)


WTP pension Transition
  1. Uniformity for All Employees: The pension arrangement applies to all workers.
  2. No Difference Between Young and Old: The pension does not discriminate based on age.
  3. No Distinction Between New and Current Employees: The same rules apply to both new and existing employees.
  4. Pension Premium Irrelevant for Attracting New Employees: The premium level does not impact the attraction of new hires.
  5. Increased Pension Premium for Younger Workers: This is beneficial for those who may become self-employed (ZZP-ers) later.
  6. Flat-Rate Is the International Norm: Consistency with global practices.
  7. Uniform Communication: Clear and consistent communication WTP pension Transition.
  8. Reduced Differences Between Young and Old Employees.


  1. Higher Employer Costs Due to the need for Adequate salary of pension Compensation.
  2. Explanation and Substantiation Needed Regarding Transition Effects.
  3. Shift of pension premium allocation from Older to Younger Workers.
  4. Reduced Pension for the 40-55 Age Group.
  5. Employee consent Required.

Tarieven pensioenadvies 2024 

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Lees alles over WTP pensioen inclusief alle formulieren en grafieken op deze complete WTP Pensioenpagina. Tarieven uiterlijk geldig t/m 31 december 2024.


WTP pension Transition
  1. No Employee consent Required: No need for employees to give their consent.
  2. No Disadvantage for Existing Employees: Existing employees are not negatively affected.
  3. No Extensive Explanation Needed: The policy does not require detailed elaboration.
  4. Flat-Rate for New Employees: New hires receive a flat-rate benefit.
  5. No Compensation Required: Employers do not need to provide additional compensation.
  6. No Transition and Communication Plan Needed: Simplified implementation.
  7. Uniform Communication: Consistent messaging WTP pension Transition.


  1. Two Pension Schemes: The need for two separate (and different) pension plans (existing en new hires).
  2. Discrimination Between Existing and New Employees.
  3. Young New Participants Receive More Premium Than Existing Young Workers.
  4. Inequality.
  5. Continual Explanation of the reason behind the Differences.
  6. Older Participants Are Less Likely to Leave (Golden chains Pension Scheme).

Fee tariff pension advice 2024


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