Setting up a solid pension scheme requires accurate pension advice, analysis and elaboration. Below you will find an overview of the pension advice activities that you can expect when it comes to guidance and advice in setting up a pension scheme. This dutch pension advice is entirely in accordance with the guidelines of the AFM and the WTP pensionlaw.

The pension advice route

  1. Pension advice on the type of pension scheme
  2. Choosing the insurer and product
  3. Implementation of the pension scheme

Pension advice choices of type of pension scheme

A crucial part of good pension advice is the assessment of the elements that strongly influence the price of a pension plan. It also determines which pension rights the participants will receive. The employer can indicate which types of insurance must be added.

pension advice

The details

  1. Pension type – Defined Contribution or a combination
  2. Premium percentage
  3. Retirement pension schemes;
  4. Financing of survivor’s pension and orphan’s pension;
  5. Waiver of premium in the event of incapacity for work – disability;
  6. Additional disability cover;
  7. Conditions of the various pension systems.

Calculate pension advice yourself

Pension defined contribution premium online

Assessment of Dutch pension advice

It is nice if the pension scheme does function the way you want as an employer. Basic service of intensive pension service. More or less flexibility. Attention to the costs or more focus to the pension returns. With a good Dutch pension advice, a blueprint is drawn up in accordance to the employer’s wishes.

Some elements:

  • Opinion and wishes of the employer about the pension commitment;
  • The affordability and details of the pension costs;
  • The desired investment risks for the participants;
  • Cost fluctuations in value transfers;
  • Mandatory or voluntary collective labor agreement;
  • Mandatory or voluntary pension scheme;
  • Maximum pension and determination of standard retirement age of 68 years;
  • The Pensions Act and the associated tax legislation;
  • Work and Income Act and Equal Treatment Act;
  • etc.

Choice of insurer and product offers

Every Dutch pension advice includes an extensive professional search for the right pension insurer. Together with extensive indept analyses about the differences in costs and conditions. Both should be part of a solid pension advice.

  • Comparison of conditions;
  • Flexibility;
  • Administrative process;
  • Solvency of the insurer;
  • Profitability of pension accrual;
  • Services and support;
  • Actual interest for the accrual and pension benefit;
  • Cost and return structure;
  • Exit clauses and entry and exit risk.

Pension system & Dutch pension advice audio (in Dutch)

The Pension Building. 10 minutes. Link and download.

Implementation of the pension scheme

  • Drawing up pension regulations and pension agreement;
  • Textual assistance implementation of employment contracts and personal guide;
  • Supervision of administrative activities;
  • Checking pension documents;
  • Explanation of the pension scheme to your staff.
  • Personal Financial assistance for your staff (Additional).

Our Dutch pension advice compensation

We do not receive any pension commission from the insurers. The agreements about the manner of pension advice and the reimbursement are established in advance. It is invoiced afterwards at fixed rate. No unexpected bills. We are independent of pension insurers, so we work 100% for those who pay our bills. As an indication, you can count on a quotation price of € 2,000 to € 5,000. As an employer, you will be fully informed in writing with this pension advice.

Dutch pension advice lost in translation.

Dutch insurers tend to inform you about their insurance information and conditions only in Dutch. The information and documents are not translated due to legal reasons. Doing it this way ensures that the information is not lost in translation. Hopefully you will find a way to read the information with for example Google Translate. Of course I can give you a verbal or written summary if needed.

Example default pension

  • A defined contribution plan based on solid and transparant investment. (example calculation)
  • Plan type is a basic plan for each employee (or for a group of employees).
  • Additional insurance; Partner’s and orphan’s pension and waiver of premium in the event of disability and value transfer insurance.
  • Voluntary supplementary scheme is the additional savings option for the employee.
  • Insure fixed indexation for disability and / or death benefits.
  • Investing in the LifeCycle funds.
  • Employee’s own contribution: 2%
  • The employee always receives online insight into pension accrual via a portal.

Pension management

After this pension advice process you can use pension management for employers. the costs vary from € 10 per month to € 35 per month (up to 50 participants). The price depends on the size of the company’s participant base and the level of service.


pension advice

Full independence is hard to find in the Dutch pension advice world. There are only a few pension advisers who can provide pension advice completely independently of pension insurers. We have no turnover obligations and we are not part of a pension insurer. Nor are we paid by them. We can provide Dutch pension advice with only one interest in mind; that of the company who will pay our bill: the employer. The only limits that we take into account are the requirements of you as an employer and the requirements of the pension law and the Dutch regulator.

Quotations and premiums

English contact form General (Third party) Liability application form Hiscox CyberClear Insurance - premium IT Information Technology Liability - Premium Management Consultancy Liability = premium Complete list - Dutch Business Insurances