Pension benefits Netherlands 2022 easy online scheme

Pension benefits Netherlands are a set of financial arrangements providing your employee with an income upon retirement. A retirement plan generally consists of three parts:

1. A statutory state pension benefits Netherlands

Pension benefits Netherlands

From the age of 67/68, everyone who lives in the Netherlands receives a state pension under the General Old Age Pensions Act (Algemene Ouderdomswet AOW). State Pension benefits Netherlands. The Dutch AOW pension (paid under the National Old Age Pensions Act, AOW) is a basic state pension. As a rule, everyone who has reached the AOW pension age and lives or has lived in the Netherlands is entitled to an AOW pension. SVB will pay your AOW pension with effect from the day you reach the AOW pension age that applies for you. It makes no difference in which country you live at that time.

English contact form

2. Employer Pension benefits Netherlands scheme

Under the administration of an insurer or pension fund, the contributions paid by you and taken from your employee’s paycheck accrue to the retirement benefit of your employee. The pension fund will provide information on the target pension and accrued value in the annual uniform pension statement (UPO).

Calculation pension contribution employee (dutch)

Calculation defined contribution scheme

3. A supplementary Pension benefits Netherlands

Your employee may have made private arrangements to supplement his pension through savings, investments or an annuity from an insurance company or pension fund. This is not a pension benefits Netherlands because there is not an employer involved.

Pension management

Good pension management for a Pension benefits Netherlands scheme depends on finding the right balance between competing interests such as attractive pensions, costs, certainty, indexing, risk and manageability. At the same time, proper account has to be taken of the interests of both the employer (the sponsor) and the employees.


We have a wide-ranging experience of the various solutions to create a Pension benefits Netherlands scheme that can be deployed to answer questions such as:

Pension benefits Netherlands

• How can organisations use their pension scheme to differentiate themselves from their labour market competitors?
• How can we minimize the risks and costs of their scheme?
• How can we offer participants attractive pensions in return for acceptable contributions?
• How can regulations and pension schemes be made comprehensible and operate transparently?

Acceptable cost and level of risk

Good pension advice for a Pension benefits Netherlands scheme enables organisations to provide pension schemes meeting the needs of current and future employees, while also helping them to achieve their organisational objectives. Good pensions mean employees can count on a financially secure retirement, while employers can attract and retain the right people at an acceptable cost and level of risk.

An attractive pension scheme

The key to good pension management, therefore, is to find the right balance between the various competing interests. Providing an attractive pension scheme comes at a cost, while there is also a tension between guaranteeing future pensions and preserving their value. Employers seeking to reduce risks by contracting out their pension scheme management also need to ensure they maintain sufficient control over the details of the pensionbenefits Netherlands scheme.

Pensioen advice

We have the knowledge and experience needed to advise organisations and provide them with a policy framework for resolving these issues. The wealth of knowledge built up during the sector’s long history means it has the expertise to deal with wide-ranging forms of pensions, whether they are defined benefit or defined contribution schemes or a hybrid form. And whether they are part of a sector pension fund or an organisation’s occupational fund or directly insur a Pension benefits Netherlands scheme by an insurance company.

Information and calculations

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